Forex Writers are are rare breed of writers…not just average forex writers but talented forex writers. And I also know that there are only two types of people that can land on this page:
- someone looking for a forex writer
- or someone looking for a forex article writer job.
Which one are you?
I’m guessing you are the first one which means you own a forex blog or forex trading website and you need a forex content writer to help you with your content generation needs.
Now, stick around…cuz I got a better offer for you which you are going to read below.
Need A Forex Writer…FAST!?
These days, you have a lot of of websites like etc where you can hire forex writers and there are lots of them there.
I’ve hired some of them myself and I thought I’d get a forex article that was interesting.
As it turns out, the content was lacking in substance and if you landed on a site with such a content, you’d leave within 3 seconds!
The content sucks!
Because the so-called forex writer thinks he can just research and write or re-write articles.
It just doesn’t work that way.
Forex writing involves technical writing which means if you hire someone who has ZERO experience in trading forex, you are going to be in for a lot of frustration.
Any other subject matter, it may be easy to write about, but not forex.
Top 5 Qualities of A Talented Forex Article Writer
To hire a talented forex writer, the following are important.
1: Must Have Experience in Trading Forex
Does the writer has experience in trading forex, not just demo account but live account? How many years of experience has he got? A writer with a live trading experience is much better than one who knows forex by just trading demo accounts.
#2: Must Have Proof Of Previous Work
If you hire a forex article writer with no proof of previous work you are going to be most likely frustrated. You will not have a fair idea of what the content or style of writing is going to be like.
This is an important step because you can evaluate this previous work and see if the style of writing is good fit for you or not.
#3: Write Sticky Content
A talented forex writer is really good at writing content that is sticky:
- keep visitors reading the content for longer time instead of leaving your site within a few seconds
- and keep a larger percentage of your visitors coming back to your site regularly because your content is top notch.
Here are the website statistics of my site which shows that my content provides real value and:
- keep forex traders longer on my site
- as well as many of them keep returning back to my site
#4: Knowledgeable & Flexible
A talented forex writer should be able to write about almost any subject related to forex trading, from indicators to strategies, to technical analysis to fundamental trading.
Now, again, you need to check their previous work that they have done for someone, or check if they have a forex blog or website of their own.
Then make your decision to hire or not.
Who Am I?…
Let me tell you a bit about myself.
This website you are on right now is my own forex blog and this is where I write everything under the sun that interests me with forex trading.
I have my 9-5 day job and I also trade forex on the sideline.
I’ve made a lot of money and lost of money trading forex . I make a lot of money trading forex and I blow them up fairly quickly.
I don’t have the proper trading mindset/psychology and this is one thing I’m working on to improve myself as a trader.
And in this blog, I share my experiences, the good and the bad and I hope that many forex traders can learn.
I’ve gone the path of hiring a forex writer to re-write a really big article for me for this blog and as it turns out, it was a DISASTER.
I had to re-write the whole forex article again.
I was totally pissed off that anyone could have the guts to say they are a forex writer and deliver a content that was really bad.
From that moment on, I decided that I’m not going to hire content writers for my blog, I was going to do it myself. And I did and I know you may be in the same situation and I can help you.
My Results Speak For Themselves
I currently have 300 post written on this blog and those posts are pulling me more than 40,000 visitors a month (as of August 2016).
Because Google loves my site.
My forex website ranks for thousands of keywords in search engines (Google, yahoo, bing etc).
And mind you, this is not the first website I built in forex. From the experience of my first websites, I’ve learnt to write content that Google loves and rank me between page 1-10.
To prove my point, I want you to go to google and type these keywords:
- forex trading strategies
- forex strategies
- forex trading systems
- forex systems
- forex trading strategies that work
- price action trading course
- price action trading
- forex trading signals
- free forex trading signals
- price action trading signals
Most of these keywords listed above rank in Google between page 1-6.
These are only a few keywords…but this forex blog ranks for thousands of other keywords in the top 10 pages of Google.
And I’m pretty sure, if you are reading this, you may also like to rank for some of those keywords as well…
Which means, you are going to compete against me.
But guess what?
I don’t care!
You know why?
Well, its this: I don’t make a decision on which website gets First page Google rankings and which get 100th page Google ranking. Its Google’s job to do that!!!
I only follow one thing Google keeps stressing all the time: write better content for your visitors.
And Google is really smart enough to know that if visitors spend a lot more time on your site, then whatever that they searched for and landed on your site, your site must be providing them with that information.
And your job as a blog owner is to make sure you do the right thing: provide content that people will like and stick around.
So guess what Google does?
It starts giving you better ranking for that page/or post with that keyword, which means now more people can find your site on Google.
Write For People, Not Google
You see, you can have the most fanciest website looking like a stunning hot girl, but if your content sucks, you are simply wasting your time!
And traffic is the lifeblood of a website.
No traffic,=no money=useless website=wasted time & effort for nothing.
Its that simple.
And I know you know that.
And to have quality forex content you need talented forex writers. If you ever find one (like me), you got to pay them a lot 🙂
Joke aside…I’m not here to break your bank account but you must be willing to pay better for talented forex writers when you find one.
They are a rare breed, believe me!
Heck, If I found one today, I’d be happy to pay one to write some content for this site and mind you, that is not a joke.
So How Can You Find A Talented Forex Article Writer?
First option: Trial and error…hasn’t worked for me. I’ve used fiverr, I’ve used freelancer. Hasn’t worked for me.
Second option (best option): like what you are doing right now…landing on a blog like this and finding out that the content of the forex blog is excellent and contacting the writer of the blog if he/she can write for you as well.
Here’s The Deal: I Will Write For FREE
The deal is I will write ONE 500-1500 words long forex article for you for FREE. ( You see? I don’t believe in writing 300 word forex articles…too short for Google to love)
What’s the catch?
Well, since you are not going to pay in cash, you will have to pay me with 3 LINKS.
What does this mean?
Well, it means that in that article, once you post it on your forex website, it must have 3 do-follow links pointing back to my forex website and they can point to 3 different posts/pages on my site.
Need More Than One Forex Article?
Well, you can hire me but before you talk about that, let me write your first free article first.
This will allow you to:
- see the quality of the wring
- and from there you can make your decision to hire me to write content for your blog.
Warning! I can only write 5-10 articles for you per month. If they are huge articles greater than 1500 words or more, expect that I can only do 5 article per month.
Don’t forget, I got my own forex trading blog to run and write content for as well as my day job.
Forex Topics I Cannot Write About
The following topics are off limits to me in forex so If you ask me to write about them, I simply won’t do it, even if you offered to pay me a lot. I hate these topics:
- binary options trading
- anything related to expert advisors/expert advisor reviews.
Any topics like these below, I can write:
- candlesticks
- technical analysis
- forex indicators
- trading psychology
- beginner questions like “what is forex” “how to trade forex”
- forex trading strategies and systems
- forex risk management
- price action trading
- mt4 trading platform
- etc
Re-Write A Forex Article
I’m really good at re-writing content. Oh, well, that’s what I think of myself anyway.
If you see a content in another website that you’d like re-written, I can also do that for you also.
How To Contact Me
Interested? Contact me at rkay[at]
PS: check my website out to see and get a feel of what I can write about and my type of writing style.