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Session Indicator Mt4 (DOWNLOAD LINK)

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This Session Indicator Mt4 is another mt4 indicator I have found online that is a really good indicator that shows you the start and end of each of the 3 major forex trading sessions:

  1. Asian Trading Session
  2. UK/European Trading Session
  3. And US Trading Session

Your MT4 forex brokers won’t show you the forex trading sessions on your mt4 charts therefore this mt4 trading session indicator really comes in handy.

Download links is on the last paragraph below.


How The Sessions Indicator Mt4 Works

Its really simple, once you upload the mt4 session indicator onto your charts, what you will see are 3 different colored boxes and each represent the 3 forex trading sessions mentioned above, the Asian, UK/European and US trading sessions as shown below on the chart:

Session Indicator Mt4


Adjusting The Settings Of The MT4 Trading Sessions Indicator

This sessions indicator by default is set to GMT. I see not point in changing the color or time settings so I leave everything to default settings as shown on the chart below:

mt4 trading session indicator

But if you want to change them, its up to you. You can adjust the open and close of the trading sessions to your own time periods  and the color of the trading sessions.


Forex Trading Strategies That Sessions Indicator May Come Useful

If you are using a forex trading system that specifically trades any one of these forex trading sessions, then the mt4 trading session indicator will come in handy.

The 1hr USDJPY forex trading strategy is a really good example where this sessions indicator can be really useful.


MT4 Session Indicator Download Link

Here’s the download link for the Session Indicator Mt4: Sessions

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