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17 Simple Ways To Raise $5,000 To Fund Forex Trading Account

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2:  Sell Your Junk On Ebay

You may not know it but there’s money in your garage or in your house.

For some people, there’s a lot of money inside a garage.

sell your junk on ebay to make cash for trading forex

All the things you bought years ago  thinking ” you need it” but guess what?

Its all sitting there in your house, collecting dust… you’ve never really used it and my guess is that the situation is not about to change overnight.

Hey! Listen! As far as I’m concerned, that’s junk.

But here’s the thing, your junk is somebody else’s treasure.

Is there anything in your house that you can sell on ebay?

Have a look in ebay and see what’s being sold there to give you an idea of what you can sell and at what price.

Imagine if you have 500 items that you can sell for $10 each? That’s $5,000 right there!

Or what if you got 250 items and sell for $10 each? Well, you make $2,500. Where’s the other $2,500 going to come from? Mow your neighbors lawn!

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